About our August 17th Rally

What people were saying about our August Rally! Politichicks:  Rage Against the Media Rally in Los Angeles   by Ann-Marie Murrell From the article: A-M:  What’s the objective of this rally? KS:  First, we hope to create a greater awareness of how duped we all are by the media.  The journalists on whom we rely …


Press Release for August 17 LA Rally

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Americans RALLY for HONEST JOURNALISM                                                                                               Contact                                                                                                                                                          Karen Siegemund                                                                                                                                                                  401-965-9440 Dateline:  Los Angeles, August 15,2013 Rage Against the Media, a Los Angeles-based activist organization, is holding a “RALLY FOR HONEST JOURNALISM” at the Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood this Saturday at 10AM. While media has …