Media Silent over Obama’s Shocking Ignorance

From the “I don’t know which is worse:  if he’s lying, or if he’s telling the truth” files, we have this. It seems that there were at least nine major events during the course of this administration that blindsided the President, several of which he claims to have learned of, “like us,” from the news.  …


More People Trust Jon Stewart for News than MSNBC, Poll Shows

The newly-released Brookings Institution study on Americans’ immigration views included the question “Which of the following television news sources do you trust the most to provide accurate information about politics and current events?”  The left-leaning institution polled 1,538 adults, controlling for national party affiliation and other factors to ensure a representative sample. The results: 25% — Fox …


To Too Many, Vandalism is the Only Answer

Yesterday, a few outraged citizens – and if you’re paying attention, how can you NOT be outraged!  – engaged in an informative, civil and fruitful conversation with a liberal passer-by. NAAH!  Just kidding!  Did you buy that even for a second?  From Lauren in Missouri: Ok so here we are on an overpass expressing our …


RATM guide to Tweeting: It’s Where the Power is

Rage Against the Media was created as an activist organization that fights against the lies and the liars in the media.  And while on occasion we do this in the streets with rallies and protests, by far our dominant tactic is to head over to “enemy territory,” the facebook pages of mainstream media networks, and …