Today, on a comment thread in a Huffington Post article about Ted Cruz using the phrase “Stand Your Ground” accompanied by a photo of the senator on a hunting trip, the anti-conservative diarrhea was flowing with its usual vigor. Below is a screen-grab of the Facebook post of the article, along with their typically snarky lead-in: “Really Ted? You had to use those words?” meaning, of course, “Stand your ground.”
And when HuffPo calls for snark, their readers gladly comply.
The number of those wishing for Senator Cruz to be shot is horrifying, and of course, exactly what Huff was hoping to elicit.
Yes. One of our leading “news” sites deliberately foments hate and incites calls for violence to be done to this man.
Why? because Ted Cruz is a Republican, and worse, a “Tea Party” Republican whose greatest crime has been to “stand his ground” on behalf of all Americans to put a halt to the nightmare of Obamacare, to stand in the way of the implementation of this law that even the President now sees as unready and politically damaging and has, in violation of his own law as well as the separation of powers, decreed various delays.
Frankly, though, most of those wishing for him to be shot have literally no idea why they feel this way – they just know that Huff has sicced them on this evil “tea-bagger” and as the good little conformists they are, they comply. In contrast to the image they so dishonestly disseminate, the intolerance and hateful rhetoric are on display right here, on this thread and countless others, of the Huffington Post’s Political Facebook page, and what do their administrators do about it?
My guess? They love it.
And what does Facebook do when these comments are reported as hate speech?
Not a thing.
Of all the comments, this is my favorite:
“Please Lord, please let him be shot on that trip.”
Invoking God to bring harm to Senator Ted Cruz on one of the iconic “progressive” “news” sources. Charming.
Let’s compare this to a message another Rage Against the Media activist found in his “other” inbox:
The relevant sentence: “Sarah Palin is responsible for Gabby Giffords [sic] death.” Of course, Gabby Giffords is not dead, and blaming the shooting on Sarah Palin reveals how this Huffington reader is a pawn of the media, which is in turn, of course, a complete pawn of the administration and the leftist anti-conservative, anti-gun, and especially anti-Palin agenda. (The rest of this message is also noteworthy for its hatefulness.)
The blind eagerness to falsely attribute the shooting of Representative Giffords to a target image on Sarah Palin’s website (right? that’s where they were able to absurdly affix the blame?) is just as appalling as its reverse: the blind eagerness to invoke a shooting on another conservative icon.
Arianna would be so proud.
But sarcasm aside, let’s take a moment and just consider this, and then let’s call it what it is: this is disgusting hate-mongering, targeting a man iconic for his disagreement with the policies of this White House and the leftist agenda propagandized by this “news” site. It is shameful, disgusting hate speech and they get away with it, day after day.
Speak up.