NBC Supports Left’s War on God

It’s been clear for some years that the left is on a crusade to excise God, and our Judeo-Christian foundations generally, from wherever He appears, and our media is happy to support them in this.  NBC, in their advertisement for the new show Allegiance, simply and seamlessly left out the words “under God” from the …


Edward Cage: Proud Conservative TruthTeller

Edward Cage has been on our radar for quite a while because of his brash, unapologetic posts and video clips on Facebook.  An outspoken black conservative who radiates power, conviction and a  profound love of this country, Edward has long stood out because of his refusal to succumb to cultural pressures and instead to live …


Black Leader Edward Cage Condemns Irresponsible Culture

Black leader Edward Cage was interviewed at TruthFest 2014 by Democracy Broadcasting’s Scott Jacobs.  This eloquent speaker embodies the saying “The Truth Shall Set You Free” and his fierce truth-telling is bound to offend some but awaken others.  But that’s what TruthFest was about: the fearless and proud expression of the truth, even when it …