For too long, we have let the leftists seize control of every part of the narrative regarding racism. Not only is calling us “racist” their trump card, but they have turned history on its head regarding civil rights legislation, implemented massive government programs that have damaged rather than empowered minorities, and, in fact, have made a mockery of the word “racist” and of circumstances where real racism exists. Examples are endless, but the purpose is always this: to infantilize and thereby create dependency on Benevolent Big Government wherever possible, and to destroy those who oppose their efforts.
This week’s “THAT RADIO SHOW” will take this on. From Jon Matthews, the show’s creator:
…given the latest on SCOTUS Judge Sotamayor’s dissent regarding affirmative action, the ramping up of the race card regarding immigration, Holder’s corruption and Obama’s ineptness, and of course the ostracizing of Cliven Bundy for being a redneck who speaks 1800’s English, I think it time we encroach on the statist claim that all things conservative are founded on racism. So next week we will take on the issue of racism. Uncut and uncensored.We will have Karen Siegemund from “Rage Against The Media”, Craig Andresen from “The National Patriot”, Ron Edwards from “The Edwards Notebook” and Brenda Lenard who is running against Lamar Alexander for Senate in Tennessee. The left claims they want dialogue. I’ll give them dialogue. How about you?
Tune in Monday and Tuesday at 4:15 Pacific to join the conversation. And join in the chatroom!
For Dr. Siegemund’s complete radio schedule, click here