Rage Against the Media is an activist organization, and we hope to empower citizen activists everywhere to help this fight for honest journalism.

Click HERE to find what WE do

Click HERE for what YOU can do.

From Facebook:

Our facebook group is unique in maintaining its focus on actively fighting media corruption.  We share articles about the corrupt media that aren’t usually found elsewhere.  We also share articles about stories that aren’t generally covered by the MSM.  BUT – we don’t just share them among ourselves-we take these articles and post them to MSM FB pages so that their readers are made aware of the truth.  JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP and add your voice!

One of our BEST tactics, however, is the Facebook Flashmob where we swarm the MSM sites as a group, generally about a specific topic (Benghazi, Obamacare) but sometimes more generally (the collection of scandals, for example).  Join our FB group and join our FLASHMOBS!  We’re also ramping up our twitter presence and activism for more “fast attack” tactics.

HonestJournalism Our “SHAME THE LIARS” Initiative:

RATM is beginning a new initiative where we target specific journalists for egregious bias, dishonesty, manipulation, inaccuracies, or other violations of their duty as journalists.  Stay tuned for specifics about how you can help.



RATM has created flyers that you can download, print out, and post in libraries, at coffee shops, tape to gas pumps- wherever people will see them!  This is easy, anonymous, and lets people know that they are being DUPED.  Alternatively, you can head to a mall, a train station, anywhere people are and hand them out with a smile.

doug CBS Add to our RAGE collection

People all across the country are enraged at the lying media, but don’t always know how they can express it – there might not be protests nearby, or they might be too hard to get to.  But anybody can make a SIGN, head on down to a local media outlet (station, newspaper) and take have a friend take a picture of you with your sign -or even, just take a picture of your sign.  Then send it to us and we’ll post it!


Whenever you see something printed or posted that is UNTRUE, CORRECT IT!  Don’t let the media create a false narrative- they are masters at that and it is up to US – EACH ONE OF US – to let the media know that they just can’t get away with it anymore. We deserve the TRUTH, and if the media can’t be bothered to report it, it’s up to US.


Inaugural-pink_dont_believeRage Against the Media holds protests and rallies of various forms – protests in front of network headquarters, flashmobs at newspapers or TV stations, and rallies that include speakers, music, and a lot of planning.  RATM stands ready to help anyone stage a protest or rally; if one occurs in YOUR town, PLEASE participate and let your voice be heard!  Even a few people with signs and flyers can make a difference – talk to your local Tea Party or GOP group and see if you can find 5 people to join you on a Saturday morning!  Get out there and BE HEARD!!


Action.  Activism.  That’s us.

Join us and fight back.