One of the most insulting aspects of the entire Benghazi horror is how the President of this country and the Secretary of State stood in front of the American people and lied, over and over again, shoving a story line in our faces that they knew was false, lying about a YouTube video that they knew had not one thing to do with the slaughter in Benghazi.
But even MORE insulting than their lying to US, the American people who put this man and his administration in the White House, is when they lie, knowingly and with political expediency in their hearts, to the families of the men whom they failed to protect, the families of the men they betrayed.
Charles Woods, father of the former Navy Seal Tyrone Woods, spoke with Sean Hannity about the “smoking gun” emails procured by dogged investigative reporters Judicial Watch:
Newly-released emails — referred to as a “smoking gun” by some — reveal an apparent coordinated effort to portray the Benghazi attacks as the result of a video as opposed to a terrorist attack in order to protect President Barack Obama’s reelection chances. Reports and even congressional testimony indicate the intelligence community knew almost immediately the Benghazi attacks were terrorism-related.
Fact: they knew, and they lied. But wait, there’s more:
When asked if he felt he was intentionally lied to, Woods recalled his meeting with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at Andrews Air Force Base back in September of 2012.
“Hillary Clinton came up to me and I gave her a handshake and a hug, and when I shook her hand she said to me, ‘We are going to have the filmmaker arrested.’ Even at that time, she was trying to place a spin on what happened,” he said.
What difference does it make? If it were up to the administration and their lapdog media, all this would make no difference at all, and would just sort of go away.
The craven dishonesty is breathtaking, and it’s up to us, each of us, to ensure that those responsible are held accountable.
Watch the entire interview here, courtesy of Fox News
H/T the Blaze