How do you derail a grassroots uprising against massive federal overreach? You scream RACIST!! And shame on us for falling for it.
What we’re seeing with this Cliven Bundy furor – even by the right-wing media! – is a quintessentially perfect example of how the left-wing propaganda machine (yeah, I said it, so what) is masterful at manipulating us. Masterful. This salt-of-the-Earth man has been one of the few to stand up against the increasing incursions of federal overreach and against the outrageously disproportionate invasion by the BLM, and with support provided by citizens from across the country, forced the BLM to actually retreat, if only temporarily.
And while all this was going on, the media utterly ignored the story.
Until now.
A few days ago this courageous rancher spoke passionately if clumsily about federal government overreach, including his bemoaning how too many programs have hurt minorities rather than helped them, and how the federal government’s intervention in people’s lives has infantilized rather than empowered them.
Enter Soros-owned Media Matters who doctored the video, cutting out context, leaving only those bits that could be – would be! – construed as racist. And it was this video that was disseminated by the “paper of record,” the New York Times.
And the crowd went wild. The left has bashed him, the right is tripping over themselves to disown him, bemoaning how this man’s remarks have destroyed him as the folk hero he’s become; how can he be a legitimate David fighting Goliath if he’s a racist! How can we support this man when he is so clearly imperfect?
“That man needs to just shut up!” we hear. Those who just yesterday were doing all they can to support him and his fight are now complaining that “Cliven Bundy is an idiot.”
Oh and by the way, not that Cliven Bundy is one of the Great Men of History, but not one of those we do actually consider a Great Man, including our slave-owning Founding Fathers, has been perfect, in word or deed. Imagine if MSNBC had been around back in 1775, ’76! Would those who now think of themselves as patriots have shied away from, oh, say, General Washington? Again, not that Cliven Bundy is General Washington. But at what point do men’s imperfections in fact impede the actual fight they are waging?
I don’t know the answer. But I do know that for the media to paint this man as a racist is exactly the kind of egregious dishonesty, deceit and hypocrisy that we have to fight. Remember this: regardless of what we actually say, the liberal media, in their maniacal devotion to evangelizing their agenda, will find a way to destroy any opposing voice. This is their modus operandi, and to capitulate is to tell them, yet again, that they can control the narrative. Our chastising Cliven Bundy for saying things that might even be construed as racist by the media is to miss the point entirely, and shame on us for allowing the potential for having one’s words twisted be used as a reason to stay silent.
And the hypocrisy! Did they shout RACIST at Supreme Court Justice Sotomajor when she blatantly and passionately attested that only through racism can African Americans and Latinos excel? On the contrary; they raised her up as the righteous voice of the oppressed. In other words, they applauded her for the very infantilizing that Rancher Bundy deplored.
Who’s the racist?
Watch the unedited video, then see for yourself what Media Matters had done. Then decide for yourself.
The full video is here: