Monday Media SCAN-Jun/30/14
People are outraged and they don’t even know why. Why don’t they know why? Because the media spins everything to an agenda instead of informing the people. So, what we have here is people going out of their mind because they THINK that the Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling to exempt Hobby Lobby from having …
Wednesday Media SCAN-Jun/25/14
We’re MAD as hell and we’re NOT going to take it anymore! Yes! Obamacare has saved our economy, there’s not a “smidgen” of corruption in the IRS & Al Qaeda is running for the hills. Oh, the borders? Nothing to see here people, just move along. Mad yet? Mad enough to do something? What are …
Tuesday Media SCAN-Jun/24/14
Speak Up. Demand Truth. Be Heard. There is so much the media is NOT reporting or not being factual about. The IRS investigation, the disaster in Iraq, climate change false data, Obamacare, the list goes on and on. Join us in setting the media right. Go to these links, inject truth, demand coverage of the …