Nick Searcy demonstrates the appropriate response to liberal media
Young Conservatives shared the twitter exchange between the star of FX’s “Justified,” conservative actor Nick Searcy, and the liberal site Raw Story: RAW: How would you describe yourself in your own words? SEARCY: Not playing. Go back to your hit pieces on Christianity and decent Americans who disagree with you. for the rest, click here
Fox needs to be regulated by FCC, says Democrat
Eric Cantor’s challenger, progressive Democrat Mike Dickinson, has distinguished himself by siccing the FCC specifically on Fox. From his tweets: “Fox News does nothing but tell lies and mistruths. They have unqualified political analysts. We need FCC to monitor and regulate them.” “Fox News should be presented as entertainment. It’s like mad magazine if Alfred …
Eric Golub: Never Give Up, Never Give In
Eric Golub was one of the premier comedians at RATM’s August rally at the Federal Building. From his opening to his closing, he was topical, hugely entertaining and as fact-based as he was just plain funny. One of countless great moments: The media never gets it right: they don’t understand gun violence. If you want …