Dan Bongino clearly gets it. Mike Miller interviewed the Republican Congressional candidate for Maryland’s sixth district on his radio show Thursday.
“If the media told the American people what the modern Democratic Party was really about, we wouldn’t have any problems.”
Exactly right. We all ask, about pretty much everything: “How do the Democrats GET AWAY with it?” Well, the answer is, the media does all it can to protect them from the truth and to propagate the lies.
The idea of open discourse about ideas, policies, candidates, solutions, is simply absurd these days. There can be NO discussion of any of these things as long as the media – and Hollywood, and our schools – actively creates an alternative reality based on lies.
The real question is, recognizing the problem, what are you going to do about it?
Here’s what Rage Against the Media is doing about it.
For the rest of the interview, read and watch here.