RATM’s six tactics for applying pressure on Bashir, MSNBC, NBC, Comcast and sponsors are here. Participate in any that you are comfortable with -and the MORE OF US WHO FIGHT, THE GREATER THE LIKELIHOOD of having this man suffer consequences.

post your outrage, links, comments, demands on the FB pages of Bashir and msnbc.  Be visible;  be clear; say what it is you expect: for Bashir to be disciplined in some way, preferably by being fired.  These are the links to  msnbc and Martin Bashirs FB pages.  Comment in any thread and also send a private message to the sites.  The more of us who do this, the harder we are to ignore, and the more people who see this, the greater the groundswell of outrage.
our twitter campaign is using the hashtag #FireBashirNow. Their twitter handles are  @msnbc  @MartinBashir and @BashirLive
it’s old-fashioned, but this works,too:  Call Phil Griffin, the President of MSNBC, at 212-664-2456
In addition, we’re contacting two sponsors of his show – Febreze and Nature Valley – who are thereby steeping their otherwise clean-living images in the filth of defecation in someone’s mouth – With your help, boycotts and public linking of their products with this man can  speak volumes.   Let them know that RATM has nearly 8000 members, all ready to take a stand.  Of course, the more of us who speak up, the more seriously they’ll take this.
Their facebook pages are Febreze  and Nature Valley, and twitter @Febreze_Fresh   and @NatureValley
Let’s not forget RATM’s favorite resource, the Society of Professional Journalists’ Ethics Hotline:  866-345-3662
and finally
6)  go straight to the top
From Inside Cable News:  “There is only one group that can answer for things like this – only one group where the pressure must be kept on until they do answer; the executives that run the network. They make the decisions. They are ultimately responsible. Show them no mercy. Do not ease up. MSNBC’s executives, NBC’s executives, and Comcast’s executives must answer for Bashir and the lack of punishment he received. Keep pounding until you get a response.”  read more
To that end, here is the contact information for the senior people at Comcast, NBCUniversal News Group and MSNBC. Hit them hard.  Thanks to John Frank for this:

Comcast’s CEO:  Brian Roberts, CEO and Chairman Comcast Corporate Office  phone: 215-286-8960 emeail: [email protected].

MSNBC’s President: Phil Griffin  phone:  212-664-4444 email: [email protected]

NBCUniversal News Group, Senior Vice President, Communications: Kathy Kelly-Brown  phone: 212-664-3457 Fax: (212) 664-4085 email: [email protected]

twitter and FB pages for Comcast and NBCUniversal (which controls NBC) as well as MSNBC and Martin Bashir

Comcast: https://twitter.com/comcast https://www.facebook.com/ComcastCustomer http://corporate.comcast.com/

NBCUniversal: https://twitter.com/NBCUniversal https://www.facebook.com/nbcuniversal http://www.nbcuni.com/corporate/

Of course, the fact that Sarah Palin was the object of his scatological abhorrence is the reason this hasn’t gone farther than it has; we must be clear that the target of this vitriol is irrelevant, and that it is his violent, disgusting rhetoric that is unacceptable and his abuse of his status to foment this kind of hate.  FYI, however, Sarah Palin’s twitter name is @SarahPalinUSA   Including this in your tweets can increase your reach. 
Remember: if we don’t speak up, who will? Our nearly 8000 activists can make a tremendous difference.  That means YOU.