Furious at the lying, corrupt media but don’t know what to do about it?
Well, starting on April 26th, RATM will be sponsoring a nationwide wave of “Flashmobs for Truth” in malls and other public places. Read about them here.
The key elements are these:
These will happen where the crowds are
Even if only 5 of us show it, it’s enough!
Take no more than 15 minutes
Radiate peace, love, kumbayah joyousness – remember: you are bringing enlightenment to those still in the dark. Be joyous, non-confrontational, non-engaging
Think of those around you as being duped, not as stupid, even though the latter is more likely. Think: PITY, not anger.
The flyers and handouts will say all that needs to be said – you’re there as messengers
After you’ve dispersed, you want people to actually think for a moment about what just happened. So keep it simple, keep it friendly, keep it short.
We’ll be doing this on April 26th in Los Angeles. Please contact us at [email protected] if you want to join us or stage one near you. We’re also working on a text messaging system for making this easier to do; for obvious reasons, we need to control the information beforehand.
Imagine when this goes nationwide! Because you know what? It will. And you can be part of this.
Stay tuned. Peace, Love, TRUTH