Sharyl Attkisson, who until she left CBS a few months ago was the one mainstream media journalist with sufficient integrity to pursue stories that might show this administration in a less than favorable light, spoke with Lou Dobbs about why the media generally has chosen to be lapdogs, rather than the watchdogs we require them to be.
The exchange is particularly interesting in how it reveals, yet again, the unique role Fox News plays in the collection of news media available to us.
From Newsbusters:
Thursday evening on the Fox Business Network, host Lou Dobbs of Lou Dobbs Tonight was joined by Emmy award winning reporter Sharyl Attkisson, who recently signed on with the Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal website as a senior independent contributor. The two discussed the recent news surrounding the ongoing IRS scandal and the liberal media’s apparent uninterest in the story.
Dobbs asked Attkisson why the liberal media refuses to report the story and rather insists on “behaving much more like lap dogs” instead of doing their job and serving as a “watch dog.” Attkisson argued that the media is being run by a “propaganda interest” that insists any coverage of any scandals involving the Obama administration are “phony” and perpetrated by “right-wing nuts.”