RATM Activist Angi Bryan has begun creating these media scans on our Facebook page.
THey most certainly belong on our website as well.
Don’t just read: TAKE ACTION!
::MEDIA SCAN June 19, 2014:::
A Variety of subjects. A little something for everyone.
This is one of the ways we fight back. Click the links and inject the truth.. don’t let MSM go unchallenged.. at least expose their followers to some truth. This list is for your convenience but it’s not the limit. There are no rules saying that you can’t also scan these pages for yourself and challenge the other posts. Just get in there and fight.. for honest journalism.
The easy way to participate.. would be just to click the “My Comment” and just “like” them.. of course if you don’t “like” my comment then you could make a comment of your own
Good Morning America
Pantene Commercial Asks Whether Women Say ‘Sorry’ Too Much
My Comment: https://www.facebook.com/GoodMorningAmerica/posts/10152131702622061?comment_id=10152133563747061&offset=0&total_comments=109
From Nightline:
Not much here, so I just picked the most ridiculous post. Let’s let them know how inane this topic is when we have real strife going on everyday in this country. Pick any subject you feel strongly about, make it contrast the how ridiculousness fretting over a “hot male stripper body” is.
“It’s finally beach weather, and who better to show you the tricks to getting a hot summer body than a male stripper?”
My Comment: https://www.facebook.com/nightline/posts/10152483465177801?comment_id=10152485355407801&offset=-50&total_comments=11
From 20/20
How far would you go to get a baby?
My Comment: https://www.facebook.com/ABC2020/posts/10152315112904934?comment_id=10152315116554934&offset=0&total_comments=11
*From ABC World News w/ Diane Sawyer:
NEW: US Patent Office cancels 6 federal trademarks for Washington Redskins, ruling name is “disparaging to Native Americans”
My Comments: https://www.facebook.com/WorldNews/posts/10152280513759818?comment_id=10152282902164818&offset=0&total_comments=200
AND: https://www.facebook.com/WorldNews/posts/10152280513759818?comment_id=10152282902829818&offset=0&total_comments=200
From CBS News
“Our current intelligence tells us that what we see is what we’re going to be dealing with for a little while.”
My Comment: https://www.facebook.com/CBSNews/posts/10152118386350950?comment_id=10152118462630950&offset=0&total_comments=136
From CBS This Morning
Eye Opener: ISIS gains ground in Iraq as battle lines are drawn in Washington
My Comment: https://www.facebook.com/CBSThisMorning/posts/682158475171161?comment_id=682272631826412&offset=0&total_comments=19
60 Minutes
Nothing new today… but still plenty to comment on.
From CBS Evening News w/ Scott Pelley
~Here come da spin..
How is the crisis in Iraq driving gas prices up? Anna Werner tells us
Running short on time I’ve stopped commenting.. unless I have something handy or it comes right off the top of my head.. but will get back to it once I’ve posted.
Sunday Morning (I still think this is a good one.. i hit it with something new everyday)
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, speaking about Washington gridlock, tells Jane Pauley that inaction by politicians endangers America’s standing in an interconnected world, and discusses why other countries continue to look for signals of leadership from the U.S.
From Face the Nation
Nothing new since June 15… but still plenty to comment on.
From CNN
From how we fight to how we treat veterans, America’s experience in Vietnam changed everything about the way we go to war. Chat about the U.S. military, then and now, tonight on Facebook.com/CNN with CNN military analyst James “Spider” Marks as you watch #TheSixtiesCNN at 9p ET.
From CNN Breaking News
Guess there’s no “breaking” news to report.. perhaps we should give them a nudge and let them know that there’s always something breaking with this administration. Take that however you like.
From CNN Politics:
It’s a three-way battle for House Republican whip. Do you think conservatives will be get a stronger voice into the House leadership lineup?
Media Matters H/T Erica Benghazi Lampley
GOOD LAWD.. this page needs some attention.. take your pick.
From NBC News
~More spin..
Have you noticed higher prices at the pump? Here’s the reason:
From NBC Nightly News w/ Brian Williams
Iraq Blame Game Plays Out in US – NBC News
It’s decision time for the House GOP. Who will they choose?
Huffington Post
As a former hospice sales manager puts it, “It’s all about money.”
Welcome to Hospice Inc.
HuffPost Politics
“Instead of being a religious movement or a secret sect, this is a cult of money, influence and self-serving politics. This is the cult of Koch.” ~Harry Reid
From the New York Times
Iraq’s political leaders are actively jockeying to replace Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, American and Iraqi officials said Thursday.
From LA Times
Texas officials announce border security surge to stem immigrant tide
From Washington Post
If you’ve noticed a surge of interest in slave reparations, it’s probably because of Ta-Nehisi Coates. This is the story of how a college dropout became a public intellectual.
From Washington Post Politics
The three-way race for House majority whip seems increasingly likely to require multiple votes, a possibility that adds an element of unpredictability to a contest in which Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) seems to have built a sizable advantage.