Much has been written about the illegal release of the five terrorist leaders whose freedom had been a focal point of the Taliban for years. And much has been written about Bowe Bergdahl, the young man who enlisted in the Army thinking it was a kind of “Peace Corps with guns” as his father said, and who had already told a fellow soldier “If this deployment is lame, I’m just going to walk off into the mountains of Pakistan,” which most certainly seems to be exactly what he did – and which was a betrayal of the most callous kind, evidence of a deep-seated ignorance of what war, and the military, is all about.
Much has been written, and much more will be. But the real question is, to what extent will our mainstream media report, honestly and objectively, about how this president illegally set free the five most dangerous terrorists and high-value prisoners held at Guantanamo, about how he disregarded the deaths of at least six soldiers who died looking for Sgt. Bergdahl, and about how he valued the return of this young man more highly than that of Andrew Tahmooressi, held in a Mexican prison having made a wrong turn.
There is no question that our president’s actions have weakened our military, have made our nation more vulnerable to attack, have signaled weakness, were counter to the the recommendations of our Intelligence and Defense community, and again, were illegal. And yet, these are ignored by the major news networks. Of course.
To ensure honest reporting of all aspects of this, Rage Against the Media has been holding what we call a “Slow Burn” on Facebook and twitter, and will be holding one of our “Flashmobs” in the coming days.
Slow burns are where we keep the pressure on the mainstream media sites to report the truth, and of course in so doing we share the true story with their other readers and viewers. To facilitate this, we have created an “event” page on Facebook where we post stories about this travesty from all the alternative news sources so we can arm ourselves with the truth, and in order to make it easy for our “citizen activists” we post links to those mainstream media stories that are the best targets for us to unite against.
Join our event here to help get the word out, to play a role in ensuring that the truth is told.
As always, if we don’t speak up, they get away with it.
Make sure they don’t get away with it.
Not this time.