The Crisis in Israel
The mainstream media’s narrative regarding Israel’s self defense is, as expected, completely and utterly false. If you rely on them for the news, this is what you know about the current situation in Israel and Gaza: Israel is an evil aggressor, disproportionately and unreasonably attacking the poor innocent folks over there in “occupied Palestine.”
NBC’s headline yesterday: “Gaza Death Toll Tops 120 as Fighting Rages On. “
And from this morning under the headline: “American Citizens Among Hundreds Fleeing Gaza Airstrikes”
About 150 Palestinian-Americans evacuated from the Gaza Strip Sunday after Israel stepped up its deadly airstrikes – bringing the death toll to 171 and raising fears that a ground invasion is imminent. More than 1,000 have been wounded in the airstrikes, Gaza’s health ministry said. Several Israelis have been wounded, but there have been no fatalities, Israel said.
And now, this, with nary a word about how for months (years! always, really!) Hamas has been launching rockets into Israel, targeting urban centers and nuclear power stations.
From CBS, we have this headline: “Israel widens air attack as Gaza death toll rises.”
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Ignoring international appeals for a cease-fire, Israel on Saturday widened its range of Gaza bombing targets to civilian institutions with suspected Hamas ties and announced it would hit northern Gaza “with great force” to prevent rocket attacks from there on Israel. More than 150 Palestinians have been killed in five days of bombardment.
CBS News correspondent Holly Williams reports from Gaza City that the Israeli military sometimes telephones in advance of its airstrikes so that people have time to get out alive.
Israel says it’s targeting terrorist command centers, though in reality they’re often the homes of militants, where children and other civilians have become collateral damage, Williams reports.
Again, Israel is the aggressor.
It’s exhausting.
Newsbusters offers this analysis of the New York Times’ atrocious coverage
And this mainstream media’s coverage
But look, you don’t need us to tell you this. You already know that the mainstream media does what it can to promote the narrative of the poor oppressed “Palestinians” who suffer under the “occupation” of Israel and so on. We know this is their story: Israel is an apartheid state bent on genocide, where the reality is, nothing could be further from the truth.
We can be angry all we want at the lies and distortions, but the fact is this: until we get out there and SPREAD THE TRUTH, the ACTUAL TRUTH wherever we can, this is what people “KNOW:” Israel is BAD (and must be divested from, shunned and so on, I mean, even Pink Floyd for heavens sake KNOWS how evil Israel is! But kudos to the Rolling Stones!) and the Palestinians’ pre-Modern dysfunction is their fault.
So HERE”s what YOU can do.
Here are articles that tell the TRUTH about what’s going on RIGHT THERE, RIGHT NOW. GO to the Mainstream Media facebook pages and websites, and POST THESE THERE. Either the full articles, or quotes, or whatever you are comfortable with. Because we CAN change minds with the truth, and we HAVE to. The deeply good souls in Israel are withstanding this existential assault with grace and aplomb – surely we can go spread the truth on a few internet sites! Is that too much to ask?
Incredibly, we have this from CNN: http://www.israelvideonetwork.com/cnns-jake-tapper-destroys-former-plo-spokesperson
This has a lot of great facts, plus reveals the deeply saddening contrast between our President and Canada’s Stephen Harper: http://www.straight.com/news/684876/prime-minister-stephen-harper-issues-statement-supporting-israels-right-defend-itself
This: http://israelgreatest.blogspot.com/2014/07/hamas-fires-missiles-israel-defends-its.html
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Hamas: https://www.saveamericafoundation.com/2014/07/13/breaking-news-netanyahus-speech-to-hamas/
Something a little different: http://intnradio.com/hourlynews
Since this article was posted, Obama has spoken with P.M. Netanyahu, urging “restraint.” http://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-speaks-with-ban-cameron-merkel-hollande-harper-but-not-obama/ How utterly shameful
Here are the FB pages of the top mainstream media outlets. Take 10 minutes and share the facts. Because if we don’t, nobody will.
Don’t just be angry. Do something.
Rage Against the Media promotes citizen activism against the criminally dangerous propaganda machine that calls itself the news. It’s up to US to make a difference. And that means YOU.