Yes, yesterday was the anniversary of the Benghazi massacre, but it was two years ago today that the horror unfolded for us as the news came over the “wires” in the very early morning hours.
So to me, today is the day I find myself mired in those memories – hearing on the one hand the story trickling out – our Ambassador Chris Stevens, the three others whose names were revealed during the course of time – Sean Smith, Tyrone “Rone” Woods, Glen Doherty, and realizing that here was one of the wholly expected consequences of the administration’s “Arab Spring” and their “act as if” foreign policy – where wishing and SAYING we had brought peace, love, kumbayah democracy therefore made it so, and treating these areas like Benghazi as if they were no more hotspots than, say, Vienna, even on a day like September 11th.
Then we found out that other nations had withdrawn their missions. Then that request for increased security over the weeks days and HOURS prior to that day had been REFUSED by Ambassador Stevens’ “friend” Hillary’s State Department.
And more and more details came out …but ONLY If you were looking for them.
Because if you were watching the mainstream media news, what you learned was that a youtube video incited some spontaneous riot which somehow led to the ambassador dying of smoke inhalation.
On that day, it was made crystal clear that we were living in two Americas – one America where people wanted to learn the truth, and a different one where people were content swallowing the deliberate lies told by the president and the others in his administration, and sold to us by the media; one where some of us put the massacre in the context of turmoil in the middle east, aided and abetted by the Uniited States’ stance of supporting those whose ideologies are 180 degrees counter to (what we had always thought of as) ours, and in the context of Islamic terrorism and a willful ignorance by our government to recognize it for what it is, and those who saw it in the context of making sure that the whatever happens anywhere that might reflect badly on the president, some story must be crafted to protect him from blame. We now know that the talking points were drafted by Ben Rhodes, brother of David Rhodes, president of CBS News. And that was only one of many ties between the administration and the “news” media.
That day brought home the fact that it was our president’s policies – sold to us by the media – that contributed directly to the deaths of these fine, fine men, and that our media would continue to do what it could to protect him, and that there was nothing too heinous for them to be these complicit lapdogs.
That day that unfolded in such horror, SUCH horror, crystallized for me the profoundly dangerous impact of our deliberately dishonest and deceitful media.
Helping him destroy the economy was one thing; ruining our healthcare system was another; fomenting divisiveness at every level of our culture, degrading the very office of the presidency, lie after lie after lie, the media did all that it could to support him at every turn.
But now, 2 years ago TODAY, we saw that this complicity had led to these deaths, and they were doing what they could to push his and Hillary’s dishonest and utterly fabricated story line.
People died, and the media continued to lie.
And this, 2 months before the election. What should have been the end of the presidency – and would have, had he been a Republican – was a minor PR blip. And let’s not forget how even this didn’t slow down his Letterman and Beyonce appearances, calling 9-11 a “bad day” – another career-ender if he had been a Republican. Remember how the media chastised George Bush for finishing the story he was reading to school children on 9-11-01? That was unforgivable, but appearing on Letterman later that day and JOKING about the massacre was OK for the Anointed One?
Depravity of a scale that still takes my breath away.
Never forget. Never forget the horror of 9-11-2001, but never forget those lives lost on 9-11-2012.
And while mourning these men and catastrophes is important, let’s not forget why these things happened. Let’s not forget the circumstances created 2 years ago, the lies that preceded the slaughter and that have come subsequently
Never forget.