RATM’s Inaugural Protest – CBS Los Angeles Oct 20 2012

Our inaugural protest in Los Angeles, at CBS Television City on October 20th, 2012 was a terrific success! Our inaugural protest was in Los Angeles on October 20th, 2012, barely a month after the event that inspired the foundation of this organization- the massacre of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty in …


Protest Guidelines

Rage Against the Media is dedicated to the goal of holding protests across the country,  in cities big and small, from one coast to the other.  We want EVERYONE to have the opportunity to voice their RAGE at the corrupt and dishonest media. How do we do this best? In big cities, we have coordinators who …


Coordinator Responsibilities

If you are interested in being a coordinator, please email us at MediaRage2012 @gmail.com or use our contact page and put “coordinator” in the subject line. We’ll be in touch with you,  we’ll update the list of cities and contact info.  Thank you for your time and support for this critically important cause. The challenge for …