Pulitzer Prize-winning “reporter” Nigel Jaquiss demeaned not one but two Oregon Republican candidates during an interview, clearly disinterested in what either of them had to say and even less interested in honoring his duty to his readers.
On Friday, Mediaite reported that Oregon GOP Senate candidate Mark Callahan was asked to leave an interview with the Williamette Week after he confronted a reporter for writing “blah blah blah” on his notepad as fellow GOP candidate Joe Rae Perkins gave an answer.
It went downhill from there. Read the rest here, and watch the video
And of course, as Joe Newby points out:
This is only the latest episode showing why a vast majority of voters no longer trust the so-called “mainstream media,” known here as the “Democrat-media complex.” Callahan is not the first Republican to be treated with disrespect by the media, and odds are he won’t be the last.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but that’s one heck of an understatement.
Oh, and FYI, he can be found on twitter at @NigelJaquiss. Just sayin’.