Back when it was still a bill, Obamacare was emblematic of a chasm between left and right: to the average mildly interested Democrat, it was the obvious answer to their vague annoyance that “some people” didn’t have health care, and to the right, it was government overreach on an unprecedented scale with no intention of improving our health care or even access to it. The left sees government as the answer to pretty much everything, which makes defining the problem sort of irrelevant and superfluous: if we’re annoyed by something, tax it, throw a law at it, or create a program. The right sees most things as best solved by the private sector and free markets, and has the traditionally American, albeit outmoded, distrust of government.
Indeed, one only need look at government programs and see that this mistrust is on the whole well-deserved.
And while on a daily basis it becomes clearer that nobody had actually read it prior to passage, the details held within have been unimportant to those who support it. Because the actual goal is simple: create such chaos that people will be clamoring for single-payer, government-provided “health” “care” that will ultimately culminate in government control over most aspects of our lives. Even now, they argue that while insurance costs might be increasing (bad, greedy insurance companies!) the cost to the consumer will be less because of “subsidies” i.e. being helped to pay for it out of “Obama’s stash.” Not only will Obama remove worries about putting gas in people’s cars and paying one’s mortgage, now through the grace of Obamacare, nobody will have to actually pay for their health care anymore either. Dependency, chaos, control.
(Yes, I’m deliberately conflating health care with health insurance, as the details are irrelevant – the goal is dependency on government for care, period.)
In any event, Obamacare was shoved down our throats, despite the fact that never not one time has a majority of Americans wanted it.
And this, despite the media’s reluctance, even refusal, to report on the details, costs, consequences and ramifications of this monstrosity.
But the truth can no longer be hidden. Nor can the fact that Obama and his administration knowingly lied to the American people, repeatedly and over the last three years.
RATM does not generally speaking report on lies and other kinds of betrayals by politicians, but when it comes to Obamacare, the media’s complicity in the PR for this juggernault and its active conscious decision to not do its duty by the American people by actually reporting is something we can’t overlook.
Just today, NBC published an investigative report on Obamacare and revealed that the administration has known for the last three years that millions of Americans would lose their health insurance, and despite this knowledge, lied to us with craven indifference- and of course, the media went along. Read their article here
Also today, MSNBC contributor and Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page told Hugh Hewitt he felt Obama lied when he made those grandiose promises about keeping your healthcare. Indeed, Page backpedaled to some extent, but the implication was clear – he felt the president deliberately lied. Read and watch here
Scott Johnson of PowerLine writes “This is my refrain: If only we had a free press, Obamacare would be a bloody, unrelenting scandal, like Abu Ghraib, or Watergate. As it is, it is only business as usual for liberals and liberalism.” Obviously, we at RATM are in total agreement. The whole piece is great. Read and watch here
Kyle Becker at IJR assembled a slide show of the 8 Reasons ObamaCare is an epic disaster. While the details might not have been predicted, these 8 reasons were clear back when it was first backroom-dealed into penetrating every aspect of our lives.
Of course, when you lose Jon Stewart, you’re in pretty bad shape. And from the look of this, Jon Stewart is no fan of this program. As Kyle Becker says,
“On a scale of 1-10, this is a full 10 for as thorough a beating the Obama administration is ever going to get on a mainstream network. But it’s a bit incomplete. The ObamaCare website is a classic illustration of the ‘fatal conceit‘ of central planners everywhere; and if anything, the program will not get better, but worse.”
Indeed – and again, not one bit of this is a surprise
Another post by Kyle Becker draws attention to John Dickerson of CBS waking up to the reality of the nightmare ofObamacare, calling it a “political black eye” and a “total fiasco.” Read more of Becker’s analysis here
As is our refrain here, “Imagine Honest Journalism.”
Dishonest journalism plays a fundamental role in every single one of the ills that we face. Every one.