From the “I don’t know which is worse: if he’s lying, or if he’s telling the truth” files, we have this.
It seems that there were at least nine major events during the course of this administration that blindsided the President, several of which he claims to have learned of, “like us,” from the news. The level of ignorance, either real or feigned, is frankly staggering, and yet the media gives him, as it always does, a pass. As to these professions of ignorance, there can only be two options: the President is either ignorant or dishonest. OK, three options: he can, of course, be both.
From Fox News:
The unfolding sectarian violence in Iraq is just the latest crisis where the Obama administration seemingly has been caught off guard. From the Veterans Affairs scandal to Russia’s swift annexation of Crimea, news of the world somehow keeps taking the commander-in-chief and his team by surprise.The following is a refresher of major domestic and foreign policy developments that, apparently, were news to the White House.
read the rest of the article here
Imagine if George Bush had ever professed ignorance to this extent – the media would have torn him to shreds. Oh wait! They DID, excoriating him for ignorance that existed only in their minds. This president is clearly utterly comfortable in the knowledge that in their eyes, he can do no wrong. We have a new normal regarding the role of a president: Omnipotent, yet frankly, unabashedly, unashamedly ignorant. Why does he think he can get away with it?
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