FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Americans RALLY for HONEST JOURNALISM                                                                                               Contact

                                                                                                                                                         Karen Siegemund


Dateline:  Los Angeles, August 15,2013

Rage Against the Media, a Los Angeles-based activist organization, is holding a “RALLY FOR HONEST JOURNALISM” at the Federal Building at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard in Westwood this Saturday at 10AM.

While media has always had an element of bias, in recent years our American “Mainstream Media” has become alarmingly more dedicated to the advancement of a political agenda than to the reporting of facts and current events; this partisan advocacy does a disservice to all Americans who rely on our news media for information.  When “journalists” choose to protect the powerful by lying to the people, we can only conclude that they feel a greater allegiance to an agenda than to the truth, and that they have little or no respect for us, their readers and viewers.

Media dishonesty hurts every American regardless of party affiliation; Rage Against the Media is a non-partisan organization which fights for objective and honest journalism. This Rally is intended to highlight the importance of real reporting and to draw attention to the damage that our current media does and its betrayal of those of us who rely on it.  We have 13 speakers including actors, TV and radio hosts, authors and comedians; we also have live music by a group of world-class musicians playing together as “The Black List” – the name reflecting that their jobs would be imperiled if they were seen to be allied to a non-leftist cause.  In addition to the music and speakers, we will be presenting a few awards to those journalists who honor their profession by reporting with integrity, honesty and objectivity.

If you believe, as we do, that our media ought to inform rather than influence, and that we should be trusted us to make our own decisions rather than being at the mercy of what they decide for us,  then we invite you to join us this Saturday.  Come be inspired, entertained, and empowered.

For more information, please email Karen Siegemund at [email protected]