This morning I’ve been thinking about how furious I am at the media for ignoring Benghazi – and it should be and is at the top of the RATM list because of all the horror surrounding it, men dying needlessly, and the President’s decisions and cover-ups and so on. And of course there is Fast and Furious, where men have also died!
But look at what they are doing EVEN WITH EVENTS RIGHT now:
- Ignoring FEMAs failures and Obama’s photo-op attention related to Sandy –
- Only now waking up to the “fiscal cliff”
- Ignoring the massive layoffs, some of which had been deliberately postponed till after the election at Obama’s request
- Ignoring the drones generally
- Ignoring the actual breakdown of election results, ignoring the demographics that put Obama back in and instead, attacking the right as being rejected.
- Ignoring stories about potential election fraud
EACH OF THESE WOULD HAVE BEEN FRONT AND CENTER if they were related to a Republican president.
So yes, we’re flashmobbing about Benghazi, and will continue to do so and about other biases as well, but the corruption as a whole is something we have to attack more broadly.
I don’t understand why we are not protesting every major news outlet across the country, I really don’t.