There is no doubt about it, and even some of our most fervent leftist friends agree: our mainstream media is blatantly on the side of the terrorist organization Hamas, NOT on the side of that shining island of modern progress, innovation, tolerance and democracy, Israel. It feels insane to write such a thing; on the one hand it’s such a radically extreme fact, it’s just flabbergastingly incomprehensible. And on the other hand, it’s so blindingly obvious one wonders why I bother to say it.
The war Israel is fighting right now against Hamas is representative of so much that is occurring in our world, but first and foremost, it is the clearest embodiment of the fight between good and evil that one could imagine. And as its wont, the media has picked its side, the side of evil, that regime that has as part of its charter the mission of eradicating Israel from the planet.
Don’t believe me?
Here is a compilation, by no means complete as daily there are more examples, of articles regarding ignorant or deliberately dishonest media coverage of this war.
– Here are the 8 worst, Hamas-supporting media members over the last week, from Ben Shapiro at Breitbart
Over the last week, media members have begun echoing the worst libels of Hamas’ propaganda machine – as Hamas undoubtedly believed they would. Hamas has restricted reporter access in Gaza, lied repeatedly about casualties, and used the United Nations as a propaganda tool. None of that has made the press. But Hamas’ lies about Israel targeting civilians somehow have become the prevailing wisdom.
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– From Newsbusters:
Israeli ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer wasted no time on this evening’s Erin Burnett OutFront to hit CNN for bias by omission in its reporting on Palestinian casualties at a United Nations hospital in the Gaza Strip.
“I think it would be a disservice to your viewers for a [CNN] reporter from Gaza not to mention that in the last week we had two different UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Works Agency] schools where we had actually rockets found in the schools and handed over to Hamas,” Dermer chided host Erin Burnett, who interrupted, “These are two different UN schools, you’re saying.” “That’s correct,” the ambassador replied, continuing his attack on the network’s bias with a suggestion that the network was not properly doing its homework on the conflict.
From Ephraim Karsch at The Jerusalem Post: It’s Anti-Semitism, Stupid
Let’s admit it: Israel can never win the media war against Hamas. No matter what it does, no matter how hard it tries….. Just as western politicians and the media have ignored Hamas’s indiscriminate missile attacks on Israeli civilians but jumped up and down over Israel’s military response, so they have been bending over backward since 9/11 to embrace their Muslim citizens and to accommodate their perceived needs and sensitivities while remaining willfully blind to the fact that it is Jews, not Muslims, whose lives have been most adversely affected by increasing hostile attitudes on the ground – after all it is the Jews, not Muslims of Europe, who are emigrating in record numbers to find a safe haven. It is Jews who feel vulnerable to attack, and who have faced the most violence, and whose institutions from synagogues to community buildings to Jewish newspaper offices have been under heavy police guard for years, because of events in the Middle East – no Muslim community in the West has had to undertake similar security precautions.
Are there more? You bet there are more. We are aggregating them as they come in; if you have examples of anti-Israel bias in the news, please share them on our Facebook page, and we’ll include them here.
Silence is complicity with their agenda. Don’t be silent. Fight back.
**Featured photo credit from http://israelmatzav.blogspot.com/2013/09/anti-israel-media-bias-for-dummies.html ***