CNN host Michael Smerconish believes he has exposed Talk Radio for committing some horrific atrocity in his new fictional novel about the conservative talk radio business entitled “Talk”
Video from Media Research Center:
Just as Smerconish is free to publish a fictional book that he claims exposes conservative talk radio, stating that he believes it’s “entertainment masked as news” and he feels “it’s had a horrific impact on polarization and incivility in the country,” conservative talk radio is also free to offer its counter-commentary in an attempt to balance the extremely biased MSM that shoves social issues and agenda-driven nonsense down American’s throats and call it news.
No, sir, talk radio is gaining momentum because people want perspective and they’re discovering that the MSM isn’t telling the whole story. If that is raising incivility, it’s because people are waking up to the MSM’s propaganda and we don’t like being deceived. We have a right to alternative opinions. It’s not as if anyone is forcing the public to tune in. And, hawking your fictitious book as some sort of exposé doesn’t make it so.
What IS polarizing is that a CNN host goes on a morning show, also “entertainment masked as news,” and makes claims against those who challenge the MSM narrative. Nice try Smerconish, but you may want to check your hypocrisy at the door next time.
Guestwriter Angi Bryan is just an everyday citizen who’s fed up with mainstream media’s inability to pull their collective heads out of their own… a-a-agendas.