If you’re dependent on the major networks for your news, you would have missed today’s under-the radar announcement of a one-year delay in the implementation of the small business mandate. From politico:
The Obama administration today announced a one year delay of online enrollment for small businesses looking to purchase health coverage through federal Obamacare exchanges, another high-profile setback for HealthCare.gov.
It’s the second delay for online small business enrollment, which the administration had said would begin this month….
The delay of the small business exchanges comes as little surprise, as the administration had said earlier this week it would offer alternative ways for small businesses to enroll. Still, it undercuts the White House message that it’s beginning to turn around the disastrous rollout of the health care law.

“In the latest problem with the website, it will be unable to enroll small businesses online for another year, [Julie] Bataille,[ spokeswoman for the federal unit in charge of administering the rollout of the health care reforms] told reporters on a conference call.
Small businesses can enroll in other ways in the special small business system known as SHOP, but problems with HealthCare.gov have prevented their online enrollment so far. It was the third delay of the SHOP Marketplace component of the website, this time until November 2014.
Some actual reporting, even if it was tucked away. (Although I am thrilled at the lead article. Truly a great story.)
Meanwhile, we are still dealing with people who honestly believe that Obamacare is merely a law that says everyone has to have health insurance.
Imagine honest journalism.
Then help us fight for it