When our administration has embraced lawlessness, it’s up to the people to take a stand. And a few hundred protesters did just that today in Murrieta, California, including Rage Against the Media’s Karen Siegemund.
From Breitbart.com:
MURRIETA — Demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground again at the Murrieta Border Patrol station on Monday, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses, with approximately 140 illegal aliens aboard in total, transferred from overcrowded Texas detention facilities. read more here
And while we have stood our ground, we must ask: Where was Governor Brown? Every other governor of an affected state has spoken up to protect his or her state from incursions by illegal immigrants, but Jerry Brown has been noticeably silent. We have to wonder why that is, and why the media doesn’t think to ask him how he feels about the increased burden on his state’s economy, healthcare system and educational system, and why he feels no need to support the mayors of those towns such as Murrieta that are targeted by the Federal government as sanctuaries. This, combined with Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti’s announcement that he will no longer comply with requests from the Federal Government to hold illegal immigrants, and with the overall general lawlessness of this administration means only one thing: there are no checks whatsoever on this invasion.
And the media? Rather than cite the president for his role in this catastrophe and his subverting the rule of law, instead of reporting on the consequences of his choosing to not enforce immigration laws and regulations, they praise him even as they chastise us for being evil, heartless xenophobes. When we are made to feel guilty for supporting law-abiding citizens and those immigrants who do play by the rules, for speaking the truth about how these children and ours are put at risk, when we are the ones chastised for being lawless when we are only trying to uphold the rule of law in the face of the president’s lawlessness, then we live in a world gone mad.
Imagine honest media.
Demand the truth. About every aspect: the diseases, the overreach, the administration’s role in this catastrophe, and the eschewing of the rule of law generally.
We deserve better.