Speak Up. Demand Truth. Be Heard.
There is so much the media is NOT reporting or not being factual about. The IRS investigation, the disaster in Iraq, climate change false data, Obamacare, the list goes on and on. Join us in setting the media right. Go to these links, inject truth, demand coverage of the stories that affect the nation. FIGHT FOR HONEST JOURNALISM. It’s up to those of us who know to inform those of that don’t. If not US, then WHO?
Click the links to go straight to the post or click the network titles to go to the whole page. Counter their lies with truth by posting links from factual sources to the comment sections. Inform their followers of what they aren’t being told.
ABC News: Airlines have been on alert this year to look out for explosives-laden toothpaste tubes, cosmetics and shoes. https://www.facebook.com/abcnews/posts/10152530887038812
ABC Nightline: Nightline’s own description claims to “provide viewers with in-depth reporting on the major stories of the day” yet I found not one single story about any relevant issue that effects the entire nation. My advice here, scan the pages for yourself and insert links about the IRS investigation, the VA scandal, ISIS, or any story you deem relevant that they apparently don’t find relevant. Maybe they need a nudge in the right direction. https://www.facebook.com/nightline
ABC World News w/ Diane Sawyer: 5 Real Money tips to understanding and beating sky-high medical bills https://www.facebook.com/WorldNews/posts/10152292943224818
CBS News: Sen. Thad Cochran and state Sen. Chris McDaniel are both conservatives by just about any objective measure, but the proxy fight here is whether tea party or traditional (“establishment”) conservatives hold more sway over the Republicans. https://www.facebook.com/CBSNews/posts/10152128313670950
CBS Evening News w/ Scott Pelley: VA in a culture of denial, says special counsel. In a letter to President Obama, the U.S. Special Counsel Carolyn Lerner accuses the VA of repeatedly “failing to use information from whistleblowers” and not acknowledging where the VA’s problems might impact its patients. https://www.facebook.com/CBSEveningNews/posts/10152606293594073
CNN: They’re asking, let’s answer: Do Hillary Clinton’s recent comments suggest that she is out of touch with most Americans? https://www.facebook.com/cnn/posts/10152662602256509
CNN Breaking News: For a “breaking news” page it’s hardly eventful. It would seem they’re out of touch with where the news happens.. scan the page, they need some help figuring out what’s breaking. https://www.facebook.com/cnnbrkofficial
CNN Politics: They’re asking, let’s answer: Agree or disagree with Monday’s Supreme Court decision regarding the EPA and regulation of greenhouse gases https://www.facebook.com/cnnpolitics/posts/736715943036908
NBC News: Iraq Violence Killed More Than 1,000 in June: United Nations: A spokesman said the figure “should be viewed very much as a minimum” and includes the killings of civilians, police and soldiers who had stopped fighting. https://www.facebook.com/NBCNews/posts/842682079085157
NBC Nightly News w/ Brian Williams: The conflict in Iraq is causing great concern among Iraqi communities here in the U.S. https://www.facebook.com/nbcnightlynews/posts/10152569616958689
MSNBC: “Although Islam has a religious component…It is a complete geo-political structure and, as such, does not deserve First Amendment protection.” –Jody Hice, GOP House candidate from Georgia https://www.facebook.com/msnbc/posts/659328120830110
Come back tomorrow for an all new Media Scan List with all new targets.
Speak up today, fight for honest journalism. Take action.
Leave your questions in the comments below or direct them to http://facebook.com/MzzAnj.