In the latest instance of the media creating a false reality for Americans at large, we have the majority of our “mainstream media” opting to not report on the “Million Vet March” in Washington DC this weekend. Why? Because what would Americans think if they were exposed to the reality of people rising up against the Anti-American tyranny of this man?
When our government sees fit to barricade, in the name of a government shutdown, our open air memorials which honor those who fought, and those who died, for the freedoms of this nation, what we see, what we can’t help but see, is that our President has nothing but disdain for our heroes and who is wiling to use them as pawns in his political game-playing.
To denigrate our greatest men and women in such a fashion is beyond comprehension, and yet, it’s part of the entire collection of acts taken by this president to show how he feels about We the People.
Interestingly, the press chose neither to report on his actions, NOR on those fighting back. We can only assume that their silence is because they are aware that both his actions, and the utterly to-be-expected reactions, reflect badly on the one whom they see fit to protect.
The media knows their audience – the betrayal of us, then, is deliberate and with malice aforethought.
But their monopoly on information has been broken by new media and by social media. (If Al Gore had considered the damage to the monolithic party line that the Internet has wrought, he would have thought twice before “inventing” it.) Thanks to “citizen journalists” and a wide range of independent news sources, Americans can learn the truth.
Newsflash to Mainstream Media “news:” Just because you don’t report it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, and your silence means nothing when we have countless others out there to do the reporting in your stead.”
From the RealClearPolitics Gallery
AFP Photo/Jewel Samad
Credit: JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images
Our media is a watchdog, to be sure – one that protects the president and his policies from exposure, from opposition, from dissenting publicity.
Twitchy reported on the media’s turning a (mostly) blind eye -with the exception of that one guy with the Confederate Flag. HuffPo has latched onto that as well.
Atlas Shrugged posted a number of photos of the civil disobedience taken by veterans against the this administration – for these men to have to stand up against the government for which they fought is one of the clearest indicators of the depravity of this president and the media that covers for him.
RealClearPolitics created a gallery of photographs of the event
And PJMedia presented a report on the protest as well:
A PJ volunteer is in Washington and captured these photos of the veterans’ march on the National Mall earlier today. Our volunteer says, “It was the best public disobedience I’ve ever witnessed.” Veterans swarmed the World War II, Vietnam and Lincoln memorials. They removed the barrycades from all of the memorials, starting with the WWII Memorial. From there, the veterans tore the barrycades down at the Vietnam Memorial before moving on to liberating the Lincoln Memorial.
At some point, we can only hope that our news networks will actually – are you sitting down? – report the news.
Imagine honest journalism.
Just imagine.