We’re MAD as hell and we’re NOT going to take it anymore!
Yes! Obamacare has saved our economy, there’s not a “smidgen” of corruption in the IRS & Al Qaeda is running for the hills. Oh, the borders? Nothing to see here people, just move along. Mad yet? Mad enough to do something? What are you going to do about it? Sign another online petition? Post a bunch of random memes to your social media feed for all your like minded friend to see? Rant and rave? Rage Against the media IS doing something, everyday. We reach out, we bring them the truth. Join us in the fight. Push back the lies. DEMAND TRUTH!!!
Click the links to go straight to the post or click the network titles to go to the whole page. Counter their lies with truth by posting links from factual sources to the comment sections, make your own comment, or just DEMAND TRUTH. Inform their followers of what they aren’t being told.
ABC News: Diane Sawyer is leaving the “World News” and stepping into a new role where she will create innovative specials and tackle big issues and ideas. Since they’re in the midst of making these changes, (and there’s nothing else of substance posted to this page) we should ask them to consider changing their coverage to include real news. https://www.facebook.com/abcnews/posts/10152533620948812
ABC Nightline: Still searching for this pages “in-depth” major story. Here’s a little something to go on: A Journey Into the Center of the Sex Slave Trade. Perhaps if ABC held the government accountable for “SECURING OUR BORDERS” there’d be less of a Sex Slave Trade to get to the center of. https://www.facebook.com/nightline/posts/10152498494517801
ABC World News w/ Diane Sawyer: Al Qaeda is allegedly trying to make bombs disguised as commonplace items to travel undetected on planes. Had the media not been backing Obama’s claim that Al Qaida was on the run we might be watching this unfold like this. https://www.facebook.com/WorldNews/posts/10152295514139818
CBS News: As unaccompanied child immigrants from Mexico and Central American continue streaming across the southern border, the U.S. faces a shortage of quick fixes to solve the crisis. The roots of the problem will likely demand years of American engagement in Central America. Suggesting US occupation on foreign soil? Oh my! https://www.facebook.com/CBSNews/posts/10152129906380950
CBS Evening News w/ Scott Pelley: This one is just such a strange spin. Some Americans are fighting alongside Islamic terrorist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria, according to a senior intelligence official. https://www.facebook.com/CBSEveningNews/posts/10152609417609073
CNN: Would you see this film? One critic called it “the most winning abortion-themed rom-com ever.” Here’s how the procedure is depicted https://www.facebook.com/cnn/posts/10152665801196509
CNN Politics: This short 6 second long Ryan video but NOT the Gowdy video? Oh, c’mon! “I don’t believe you,” says Rep. Paul Ryan to IRS chief John Koskinen over missing IRS emails. Do you believe the IRS’s explanation for thousands of lost emails sought by lawmakers investigating the targeting scandal? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=737308522977650
NBC News: House Speaker John Boehner will file a lawsuit against the Obama administration for its use of executive actions to change laws. At the very least, maybe link NBC some info they’re ignoring. https://www.facebook.com/NBCNews/posts/843314179021947
NBC Nightly News w/ Brian Williams:Exactly where is NBC Nightly going with this line of reporting??? Bergdahl has not asked for a lawyer, according to officials, and sources say he has not yet spoken to his parents. https://www.facebook.com/nbcnightlynews/posts/10152572460678689
MSNBC: And just for fun: Join our Clinton Global Initiative panel now with voting powered by Bing Pulse and make your voice heard! https://www.facebook.com/msnbc/posts/660088557420733
Come back tomorrow for an all new Media Scan List with all new targets.
Speak up today, fight for honest journalism. If not US then WHO?
Leave your questions in the comments below or direct them to http://facebook.com/MzzAnj.