One of the issues we face on our RATM Facebook page is that while people understand the danger that a corrupt and deceitful media incurs, too many simply focus on the leftists themselves.
Indeed, those in power are causing damage daily, in every single sector. But it is the media’s complicity that creates the environment that allows this to happen and that creates a “reality” for too many that is, quite simply, false.
One of our RATM members took this screen-grab from a message sent to his “OTHER” inbox by a Huffington Post reader.
Here is the text of his message:
When you say things like “Sorros [sic] think tank” it exposes you as someone the right has brainwashed. Sarah Palin is responsible for Gaby Gifford’s death. She deserves to gt paid back for that if you ask me. I wouldn’t shed a tear. So it would be a slap on the wrist if someone shit in her mouth. And I love women. Liberal women that is. They can think for themselves. For example, they don’t want your side telling them if they can or can not have an abortion or take birth control. Your side doesn’t want women to think for themselves. Your side uses people like Palin, or Herman Cain to try to trick people into thinking the GOP is good for women and blacks. If it, if they are rich. See, the GOP is all inclusive [sic]. They love gays, blacks & muslims as long as they have a million dollars in the bank. Anyways, I would love to shit in your mouth too. LOL
Talk about brainwashing.
This is why we do this: it’s not people who KNOW NOTHING who are the problem; it’s the people who KNOW SO MUCH THAT ISN”T SO who are.
This guy is someone who spends time on Huffington Post’s Facebook page. He actually feels he is informed. H took the time to send a private message to one of our members to demonstrate how he is better informed that we are. And yet, what we see is the result of the deliberate misinformation, and hate-mongering that media sites such as this promulgate.
Imagine, just for a moment, honest media. Would anyone even dream of spewing the kind of nonsense this man did? Is any part of this even true? Should we pass this on to Gabby Giffords who he believes to be dead due to the perennially-maligned Sarah Palin?
We have countless examples like this-it fuels our conviction that the real battle is for actual information to be disseminated by those entrusted to do so. When people like this cast a vote, it is not from a position of ignorance, but from a position of utter wrongness, deliberately sown and nurtured. And the hate – that he would like to defecate in his addressee’s mouth? What does that say about liberals’ tolerance of diversity of opinion?
Join RATM and fight back. As long as the media corrupts minds in this way, nothing else matters.