• The Benghazi “report”
  • Time’s Person of the Year, and
  • The “WAR ON GUNS” continued

 December 19, 2012

As if yesterday wasn’t bad enough, last night the Benghazi “Report” was released, followed this morning by the phenomenally incomprehensible yet entirely predictable selection of Barack “I am the Messiah” Obama as Time’s “Person of the Year.”  And meanwhile, the “WAR ON GUNS” continues.

The Benghazi report said in as many ways as possible that it was all Hillary’s fault without ever suggesting she might in fact be held responsible.  According to the AP:

“An independent [sic] panel charged with investigating the deadly Sept. 11 attack in Libya that killed a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans has concluded that systematic management and leadership failures at the State Department led to “grossly” inadequate security at the mission in Benghazi.

“Systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place,” the panel said.

Also from the report:

Communication, cooperation, and coordination among Washington, Tripoli, and Benghazi functioned collegially at the working-level but were constrained by a lack of transparency, responsiveness, and leadership at the senior levels. Among various Department bureaus and personnel in the field, there appeared to be very real confusion over who, ultimately, was responsible and empowered to make decisions based on both policy and security considerations.

Looks like a failure of leadership at the highest level, doesn’t it?  But really, this is moot anyway, isn’t it, as she had already taken full responsibility?

In addition, there was no mention of the President’s role, the specific explanation of the rejection of requests for more security (requests? They were all answered in a timely manner!!) , the youtube video on which the entire thing was blamed (and yes, he is STILL in prison) , any mention of where the weapons came from (even the New York Times was starting to tiptoe gently into that story) or where they were going.  In short, not one tiny iota of new information was provided.  And Hillary can safely look towards a joyous run in 2016, as long as she recovers from that nasty concussion.

Great articles about the “report” including about the areas never asked or answered, and which demonstrate the glaring and willful lack of, shall we say, curiosity, on the part of the mainstream media who merrily regurgitate the administration’s talking points, even as they use this to scoff at “right wing myths” that have not been corroborated by this exceedingly vaporous document.

From Commentary:  


From Breitart:  Secretary Clinton’s “Accountability Review Board” (ARB) declared multiple times in its unclassified report that although there were multiple failures in leadership, “management ability,” allocation of security resources and communication, the board could not find “reasonable cause” to discipline (or even name) one person in the State Department.


Also from Breitbart: Benghazi Report Proves Old Media Wrong; Validates New Media Reporting   


As to Time Magazine selecting Barack “the Messiah” Obama as Person of the Year for a second time, citing him as the “Architect of the New America”, I think this about sums it up:


Credit to “Christians Against Obama’s Re-Election”

As to the continued “WAR ON GUNS”, the President appointed Joe “Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?” Biden to head up a commission to somehow solve the nation’s “gun problem.”  Yes, Joe Biden who was also in charge of overseeing thetaxpayer’s “stimulus” money, and most relevantly, the same Joe Biden who not at allfamously said in 2008: “ If Obama ‘tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem’”

I think I’ve had all I can take for one day.  But I will close with this:

If we don’t fight back, who will?