Megyn Kelly, Judge Napolitano on Holder’s Deceit, Media’s Complicity

Here’s the thing. Why doesn’t the “Mainstream Media” ask Obama and his Leftist cronies the hard questions? Because they KNOW we won’t like the answers.  Isn’t that obvious? If they thought we’d LIKE the answers, wouldn’t they ask the questions? OF COURSE. Utterly shameful. From Conservative Tribune: America’s Founders understood the vital importance of an …


Don’t forget: Hillary’s State Department Knew of Benghazi Danger, Ignored It, Lied About it

Of course they all want this to just go away.  It must truly rankle, how the media’s complicit silence on the Benghazi massacre and cover-up has been circumvented by Judicial Watch, propelling this back into the limelight.  The whole “Nothing to see here, move on, move on” whitewashing (can we say whitewashing?  is that racist?) …