Rage Against the Media Rally – sneak peeks of the event!

The Jim Hoft-Wonkette Feud stirred up considerable controversy!

Read about it from the Gateway Pundit here  and from Wonkette here .  I especially appreciate how the Wonkette piece  never actually said anything against the purpose of our rally, and in fact gave us a lot of publicity including their posting the really terrific signs protesting state-run media.  (See below – thanks to Wonkette for the photo)   Are we waking people up despite themselves?  (probably not… but you never know)

RATM asked to accommodate Islamists?

As it happened, there was a pro-Morsi Islamist event taking place on the street corner right by where we were.  I spoke with DHS during the final musical performance of our event, and one of the agents noted that they had “one group praying, while one group was playing.”  Thinking he was remarking on the variety of activities right there in Westwood, I nodded.  But he then, this.  Read Gateway Pundit’s account here

Imagine if, rather than a Muslim Brotherhood-supporting group praying, it had been a Christian group, or a Jewish one.  Would the DHS have made such a request?  It seems all religions must be silenced except for Islam.  What if it had been a pro-life rally down the street, praying for the souls of aborted babies?  Would we have been asked to accommodate them?  The progressive agenda is hell-bent on secularizing this country, with the sole exception being Islam despite its being utterly contrary to all their other professed beliefs.   Why do progressives, then, support it?  Because the goal of progressivism is to debase us all.

Karen Siegemund says a few words about the Rally –

  Conservative Blogger Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit- interview after the Rally


Karen Siegemund on Breaking News Radio

Karen Siegemund on That Radio Show

Gateway Pundit brings the Rodeo to Los Angeles!