Rectifying the Anti-Israel Bias in the MSM: Evan Sayet at the Los Angeles pro-Israel Rally
Today between 1500 and 2000 joyous and impassioned people came out to StandWithUs’ “Solidarity Rally for Israel” here in Los Angeles. In this interview with Scott Jacobs of Democracy Broadcasting News, Evan Sayet describes the event, and building on his “Unified Field Theory of Liberalism,” explains the media’s refusal to report the truth about Israel …
Evan Sayet: To Today’s Modern Liberal Journalists, Objective Reporting is an Act of Bigotry
In his speech last January at the Conservative Forum in Silicon Valley, Evan Sayet addressed the question of “Why the Mainstream Media gets Every Major Story Not Just Wrong But as Wrong as Wrong Can Be.” The short answer to the question about the media’s utter, complete and total failure, Sayet claims, is that to …
Evan Sayet explains, among other things, the Supreme Failure of the MSM to Get Any Major Story Right. Any.
We all talk about media bias; there are countless studies, statistics, explanations for it. And of course, Rage Against the Media fights against it. But Evan Sayet’s most recent speech delivered at the Conservative Forum is the first to explain exactly how and why our Liberal-run media gets not just most stories wrong, but why …
Photos from RATM’s August 2013 Rally
August 20, 2013
Andrew Marcus,
Ann Marie Murrell,
David Spady,
Dr. Gina Loudon,
Dwight Schultz,
Eric Golub,
Evan Sayet,
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft,
Kender McGowan,
Mark Isler,
media corruption,
MSM Bias,
Tony Torres
On a sunny day in Westwood, California, with temperatures in the mid-70s, well over 100 people gathered to hear our phenomenal line-up of speakers and our world-class band, “The Black List.” Tony Torres was our Master of Ceremonies, and ensured that the energy level was high, that the RAGE was directed at the MEDIA, and …