The talking points weren’t about Benghazi? Well looky here
Straight from the Ben Rhodes email:
Q: What’s your response to the Independent story that says we have intelligence 48 hours in advance of the Benghazi attack that was ignored?
A: This story is absolutely wrong. We are not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent. We also see indications that this action was related to the video that has sparked protests in other countries.
In fact, every part of this response was a lie, and in particular the last sentence, the deliberately false allegation that the attack in Benghazi was due to the YouTube video, was a fabrication. We now know, from Brigadier General Robert Lovell (ret) in his testimony Monday before the House Oversight Committee hearing on Benghazi, that they knew from very early on that the attack was neither due to a YouTube video nor an escalation of a protest.
Every time the president opened his mouth on this issue and uttered the words “YouTube video” in relation to Benghazi, he lied.
Every time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton opened her mouth on this issue and uttered the words “YouTube video” in relation to the deaths of our four men in Benghazi, in particular as she stood in front of their flag-draped caskets, she lied.
This is a culture of deliberate deceit, and a breathtaking lack of respect for all Americans, in particular for the families of those four dead men.
Ambassador Christopher Stevens
Glen Doherty
Tyrone Woods
Sean Smith
The #BenghaziCoverUp must end. The LYING must end.