We at RATM are speechless with admiration.
Filmmaker Phelim McAleer is sending a big message to Kickstarter.
In protest of the crowd-funding site’s “censorship” of his TV movie project about convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, McAleer commissioned a bold billboard near Kickstarter’s Brooklyn headquarters.
In protest of the crowd-funding site’s “censorship” of his TV movie project about convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, McAleer commissioned a bold billboard near Kickstarter’s Brooklyn headquarters.
“Kicked out by Kickstarter,” reads the giant sign, which was put up on Tuesday afternoon. “Gosnell movie raises $1 million … and counting! To the public — we say ‘Thank you!’ To Kickstarter — we say … ‘You Stink at Censorship!’”
This is just totally pitch-perfect.
They are still, though, $400,000 short of their $2.1 million goal – if they don’t reach it, this film won’t get made and the mainstream media gatekeepers will have been effective in covering up this horror story. We all rail against media corruption: this is one way to help play a role in fighting it. Join the nearly 17 thousand others who are doing what they can to make this possible.
Click here to donate through their Indiegogo page.
Be part of something huge.