Here’s the thing.
Why doesn’t the “Mainstream Media” ask Obama and his Leftist cronies the hard questions?
Because they KNOW we won’t like the answers. Isn’t that obvious?
If they thought we’d LIKE the answers, wouldn’t they ask the questions?
Utterly shameful.
From Conservative Tribune:
America’s Founders understood the vital importance of an independent press to hold government figures accountable for their actions with respect to their oaths of office. To that end, they enshrined freedom of the press in the Bill of Rights.
That guarantee in the First Amendment to the Constitution is valueless, however, if the very journalists it protects do not ask the hard questions needed to uncover the truth foundational to that accountability. This is exactly what happened in a recent interview of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on ABC’s This Week. Instead of being asked about the myriad scandals and accusations facing the Obama administration, Holder was allowed to hold forth on administration positions with very little challenging–or even questioning–from the interviewer.
Megyn Kelly covered the interview with Fox News Senior Judicial Analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, sharply criticizing a mainstream news program that seems content to accept anything Eric Holder said.