Of course they all want this to just go away. It must truly rankle, how the media’s complicit silence on the Benghazi massacre and cover-up has been circumvented by Judicial Watch, propelling this back into the limelight. The whole “Nothing to see here, move on, move on” whitewashing (can we say whitewashing? is that racist?) by Democrats has gotten to be as tiresome as it is repugnant. Seriously, deeply repugnant.
But they’re still trying hard to paint this as a molehill, as a “political football” -again, how repugnant – and will succeed if we let them.
Meanwhile, though, let’s revisit this Breitbart article from last January regarding the Senate Intelligence Committee report on the Benghazi attack.
The Senate Committee report says the intelligence community produced “hundreds of analytic reports” warning that “militias and terrorists” planned to strike at the US in Libya. The report highlights seven of these reports by name (though one is redacted). For instance, on June 12, 2012 the DIA produced a report titled “Libya: Terrorists Now Targeting U.S. and Western Interests” which said in part “We expect more anti-U.S. terrorist attacks in eastern Libya.”
Ambassador Stevens and others were aware of these reports of escalating violence and attempted to increase security personnel in response. The report notes that in early July Ambassador Stevens cabled State Dept. headquarters to request 13 additional security personnel. The State Dept. never fulfilled or even responded to Ambassador Stevens request.
Less than a month before the attack, an Emergency Action Committee meeting was held to discuss the security situation in Benghazi. At that meeting the Regional Security Officer “expressed concerns with the ability to defend the post in the event of a coordinated attack due to limited manpower, security measures, weapons capabilities, host nation support and the overall size of the compound.” Ambassador Stevens cabled the State Dept. a summary of the EAC meeting the next day.
According to finding #5, the decision by other countries to abandon Benghazi because of increased militant activity meant that “tripwires” had been crossed which could have led to the U.S. pulling out as well. The Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs did consider suspending operations in Benghazi but ultimately chose not to do so. However, the concern about whether or not to even stay in the city should have been another clue to the State Dept. that security needed to be given more attention.
Did they know an attack was highly likely? Yes. Did they address the requests for increased security in the weeks, days, hours before this predicted attack on – HELLO!!! September 11th? No. And of course they should have taken the other nations’ withdrawal as a clue that perhaps Ambassador Stevens should have left Benghazi as well. But no. Withdrawal would have signaled that all was not quite so well as they wanted to pretend, that Libya had not settled into some kind of peace love Kumbayah normalized state as part of the supremely bogus “Arab Spring” fairy tale. And this is not even considering the possibility of gun-running, as has been raised in the past year and a half since the attack.
And then, this:
The report concludes with a letter by Senator Collins which also faults the administration and the intelligence community for giving Americans the mistaken impression that a demonstration led to the attack. Collins writes “Despite the fact that the September 11, 2012 attacks in Benghazi were recognized as terrorist attacks by the Intelligence Community and by personnel in the Department of State from the beginning, Administration officials were inconsistent and at times misleading in their public statements and failed for days to make clear to the American people that the deaths in Benghazi were the result of a terrorist attack.”
Just to reinforce this: THEY KNEW, and they LIED.
They KNEW and they LIED to the American people, to the world at large via the President’s UN speech days later, and most disgustingly, they LIED to the parents of those men who lost their lives because of Hillary’s State Department’s refusal to increase security, and they LIED in front of these men’s flag-draped caskets.
They KNEW and they LIED.
They could have prevented it, and they LIED.
Read the entire Breitbart article here. Then share, tweet email because the media is STILL doing what they can to cover this up. It’s up to us to keep this in the public eye – it’s up to YOU.