The deliberate cover-up by the mainstream media of the Kermit Gosnell trial is a perfect case-study of all we need to know about leftists’ deceitful tactics to promulgate their agenda.
This trial had all the components of an emotionally captivating news story: a trial, deaths, babies, shock value, tragedy – a story that one would think would be front page news, perhaps potential Pulitzer material, immediate fodder for made-for-TV movies, a Law and Order episode or just of interest for the sheer human tragedy of it. If ratings were indeed the goal, this story would have been on all the networks with the obsessiveness that characterizes their coverage of other human-drama tales. And yet the media, the American mainstream media that pretends to report the news, has elected to ignore it. Why?
The media, in order to maintain this narrative, has no choice but to deliberately, and with full awareness of the depravity of its doing so, not allow the story of this trial to enter into the public view. This blackout, more than almost any other, is proof positive that our media, actively and with malice aforethought, decides what will and what will not advance a political narrative, and acts only in accordance with that decision. In this case, that narrative is that abortion is a benign choice for the good of all women, and infringement upon that right is evil. All alternative views must be silenced in order for this narrative to be swallowed; all dissent must be shouted down in any way possible because acknowledging the reality of screaming newborns being slaughtered would, of course, result in an outcry against this inhumane and indeed murderous practice, and Americans, even Democrats, would recoil from the horrors of policies that permit it. read more here
And their silence was astonishingly effective. At one of Rage Against the Media’s protests, the sign demanding coverage of the Gosnell trial was consistently met with puzzled curiosity: passers-by had no idea what we were talking about. But you can be sure these same people were fully aware of the Jody Arias trial, were totally up-do-date on who was leading in Dancing With The Stars, and of course, they knew with full certainty that Sarah Palin, that negative-IQ’d do-nothing evil Republican had said she could see Alaska from her house.
Until now, this story has been successfully suppressed. But no longer. The team of Ann McElhinney, Phelim McAleer and Magdalena Segieda which brought us the myth-busting, factual and anti-liberal-agenda documentary FrackNation, is turning its sights to bringing us the true, factual and even more anti-liberal-agenda story of the Gosnell trial.
Needless to say, Hollywood isn’t jumping at the chance to fund this! So, as with FrackNation, they are turning to crowdfunding. Which means: you and I have a chance to help get this story out there. You and I have a chance to make a difference in the culture of this nation. From Phelin, Ann and Magdalena:
So far, the biggest “crowdfunded” film of all-time is the Veronica Mars movie, a teen detective story that asked for $2m and raised $5.7m. We think the GOSNELL movie is more important, we think you do too.
So we are asking for $2.1m and we are hoping to break the record and make history. With your help, we’re going to hire the best screenwriter, director and actors to make sure that the story of Kermit Gosnell gets into every home in America.
If you appreciate what we’re trying to do, please head on over to our page and contribute what you can – as little as $1 or as much as $10,000 and get others to contribute, too.
Whatever you are able to contribute will send a message to the mainstream media and to Hollywood.
And [remember this:] you’ll get your contribution back if we fail to raise our full $2.1m budget for the movie.
We think you’ll agree that it’s a testament to the pernicious power of the media that very few people even know about Kermit Gosnell.
This is your chance to bypass the media “information gatekeepers” to get tens of millions of Americans thinking about what happened in Philadelphia.
We at Rage Against the Media could not agree more.
Whatever one feels about abortion, it’s time to get the true story told. It’s time to stop the censorship.
You, too, can be part of something amazing. As the poster says: “PRODUCTION funded by people who want the truth to be told.” Be one of those people. Donate here.