The Accidental Truth

CNN’s Don Lemon lets slip what we all know: “As a journalist, you weigh how much you should criticize the president because he’s black,” but goes on, “but then you have to do it because ultimately, you’re a journalist.” Not all of them quite get to that second part. read more


Conservatives Protect even Liberal Voices.

The Washington Post’s headline “Conservative backlash kills FCC plan to survey America’s newsrooms” speaks volumes. Indeed, only conservatives fought back against the invasion of America’s newsrooms by the agency which licenses them.  Only conservatives fought against the incursion into the press’s freedom to report without being accountable to the government.  At RATM we are constantly shocked …


Fox needs to be regulated by FCC, says Democrat

Eric Cantor’s challenger, progressive Democrat Mike Dickinson, has distinguished himself by siccing the FCC specifically on Fox.  From his tweets: “Fox News does nothing but tell lies and mistruths. They have unqualified political analysts. We need FCC to monitor and regulate them.” “Fox News should be presented as entertainment. It’s like mad magazine if Alfred …