It’s your turn, MSM

Imagine you’re a TV or radio news broadcaster, humming along happily, doing what you can to help further the agenda you know to be the One True Path to peace, love and everything good .  You cover what you’re supposed to:  Chris Christie’s Bridgegate ; Wendy Davis’ “principled stand” for “women’s health issues” i.e. late …


You, too, can spread the word!

One of the things that continues to surprise us is how few people are aware of all the lies and scandals that are going on right now – FURTHER PROOF of the power of the media to HIDE, COVER-UP, and/or DOWN-PLAY anything to do with what doesn’t fit their agenda.  The general public’s ignorance is …


RATM’s Top 10 Media Travesties of 2013

Yes, it’s that time of year.  The Top Ten list time.  Here’s ours:  the top ten travesties from our “mainstream media.”  Generally, these are stories that were either ignored or else distorted; either way, the media failed in its duty to their readers and/or viewers by denying us the opportunity to make up our own …


The NYT: All the News that the White House Deems Fit to Print

While many lament the prevalence of “low information voters,”  we at RATM concern ourselves more with the “misinformed voter,”  those Americans who actually do take the time to inform themselves by watching the news or sacrificing all day Sunday to pore over the self-important New York Times., but who are betrayed by these “news” sources …