In our continuing effort to empower with the truth, here is an aggregation of some of the best articles on the FCC overreach and reports of their “backing off.”
From FCC Commissioner Ajit Pac in the WSJ, the article that seems to have started the outrage and successful pushback: The FCC Wades Into the Newsroom
From Breitbart about the overreach, and John Nolte’s pointing out that the media’s silence on this is actually a scarier issue: Lapdog That Didn’t Bark: FCC Intrudes on Newsrooms
How this overreach is similar to that of the IRS, from NRO: Echoes of the IRS in the FCC Snooping Scandal
From the Washngton Examiner: New Obama initiative tramples First Amendment protections
Huffington didn’t completely ignore this power grab, but instead of reporting on this themselves, they reported on Fox reporting on it.
But generally, how upset are Democrats about this? From the Democratic Underground, we have this: Fox’s Krauthammer Very Upset FCC Wants To Study Their Propaganda Channel. Upset? Not so much.
And if this doesn’t show their stripes, nothing does. Progressive Democrat calls on FCC to ‘monitor and regulate’ Fox News
About their “backing off” from the study:
From Tim Cavanaugh at NRO: FCC Throws In the Towel on Explosive Content Study
From Fox News: FCC backs off newsroom survey plan
From Power Line: FCC Backs Off on Scheme to Regulate the Press
While they claim to have backed off, a) we don’t believe a word they say, b) this is one of many undertakings by this administration to collect data for purposes of control, c) for some inexplicable reason, Democrats (aside from wanting Fox shut down) have been silent on this issue, d) this clearly was floated as a “trial balloon” and as with most of these, the lesson they have learned is to be more covert.
As always, let’s consider how this same press would have responded if a GOP administration had considered such a “study.”