Very shortly before he got sick with a particularly virulent strep infection, (read about it here, and about how he has also lost his health insurance under Obamacare) Jim Hoft spoke at the RATM rally last August. Opening with a salute to Tuffy the Clown, and taking us through th appallingly damaging effects of this administration’s policies that the media chooses to ignore, Jim Hoft is compelling with his fact-based outrage.
Today we stand here, today we say no more. No longer will we accept the lies, the assault, the attacks, the slander, the omissions of this Democrat-media complex.
Could you imagine, if Americans really understood if they had a clear understanding of the havoc and destruction of this administration’s policies; culd you imagine if Americans understood the truth, that under this administration we are suffering thrugh the worst “recovery” ever; that Barack Obama is the worst jobs president since the Great Depression, that this administration has more than doubled the deficit, something Democrats pretended like they cared about when George Bush was in office; that 9.5million peiple have left the workforce under Obama; that Obamacare is killing off full-time jobs and will kill off more than 2% of the Amerian full-time jobs. Imagine that! This government has passed a law that will kill off 1 out of 50 jobs i this country and that’s a conservative estimate….
Imagine, indeed! Imagine if the media DID in fact report the facts. Imagine if the media saw its role as one of informing rather than influencing!
Instead of reporting the truth, they’re ignoring the real issues. They’re spinning for Team Obama, or they’re ogling him in his sexy mom jeans. Not one liberal media outlet has been honest about the worst political scandal in the last century. Not one media outlet is reporting the truth about the IRS scandal. At last 292 conservative groups were targeted. At least 5 pro-Israel groups were targeted. Conservative groups were targeted. Groups that criticized Barack Obma wre targeted. At least 2 pro-life groups were targeted. A Texas voting rights group was targeted. Conservative activists and businesses were targeted. At least one Hispanic group was targeted. NO LIBERAL GROUP suffered the same type of scrutiny under the IRS.
The media won’t tell you that. They’ll spin. They’ll spin that and say [liberal] groups were targeted, too. It’s not true. As of today, there have been no liberal groups that have been targeted under that scandal.
None. They’re just spinning
Watch his whole talk here.
And Jim, we’re holding you in our prayers.