Imagine you’re at a mall – strolling around with your family or friends, wishing you had some money so you could actually buy something, and you hear a ruckus behind you.
You turn, and see five, perhaps 10, maybe even more, cheerfully dressed men and women, not quite walking but not exactly dancing, either, weaving their way through the crowd. The one in front shouts through his bullhorn: “What do we want?” And the joyous, dancing group shouts back “THE TRUTH!!” He shouts “When do we want it!?” And they reply: “NOW!”
Some of the group hand out flyers, others hand out stickers saying “WE WANT THE TRUTH” , as they pass through the throng of shoppers.
They quickly form a circle, one of them beating on a small drum, and continue the chant. Less than a minute goes by while they dance in the circle, handing out more flyers and stickers, then WHOOSH: before anyone really realizes what just happened, they’re gone.
This is what Rage Against the Media activists will be doing, nationwide, at a mall near you.
Why a mall? Because it’s where the people are, those very people whose lives are being destroyed, whose livelihoods are being undermined, by the policies shoved at us by the Left and lied about by the media, and it’s time to wake people up.
When headlines repeat the President’s never-ending lies – It was a youtube video, 7.1 million people signing up for Obamacare, the most transparent administration in history, if you like your healthcare plan you can keep it – and refuse to actually report on realities – actual Obamacare numbers, actual unemployment numbers, to name just two – it’s time to fight back on every possible front.
And this is a front. Right now, everywhere is a front.
RATM was born as an activist organization, and we’ve held a number of rallies and protests. But this is different. This has elements of subversion, combined with engaging just regular people in an utterly non-threatening way, reminiscent of the hippies handing out flowers back in the peace-love-kumbayah days of naive rebellion. We will combine some of the tactics of the left: keeping to one clear message; being bright, cheerful and engaging; and the right: informing; fighting for all of us to have a voice. To that, we’ll add touches of our own: quick assembly and rapid dispersal. Yes, this is an actual flashmob of sorts, but one with a purpose, the RATM purpose: to spread the word that those out shopping, living their lives, are being lied to, and we’re on their side. To us, this isn’t overtly political but rather it’s a matter of honesty in journalism, and the need of we the people to have a free , independent press that takes its duty to us, to the truth, seriously. Dancing through the mall says: we’re here, we are like you, we think you’ll be just as disgusted as we are once you realize you’re being betrayed and we’re here to let you know that you have a choice: stay ignorant, or demand responsible reporting.
On April 26th, a group of us will be giving this tactic a test run here in Los Angeles. Unlike the other protests, this one is easy to do, quick to organize, and takes very little time. Imagine a wave of these nationwide! We’ll be posting files of the flyer handouts, images of the signs and stickers, and more details of the day as we get a bit closer so that anyone can download and share these. Of course we’ll be videotaping the event as well, and will create a library of videos sent in by others.
Silence is complicity – so JOIN US, and be part of our Army of Activists, flashmobbing for truth!
For more information, email us at [email protected], join our mailing list, and join our facebook page