Time Magazine…

Time Magazine’s support of the President’s agenda: Weaken us abroad, entertain us here at home Time Magazine is happy to broadcast America’s humiliation at the hands of Russia’s President Putin to everybody but its American readers.  Putin appears on the covers of the European, Asian and South Pacific editions; but lo and behold what the …


So how was the RATM Rally?

Fantastic! On a sunny day in Westwood, California, with temperatures in the mid-70s, well over 100 people gathered to hear our phenomenal line-up of speakers and our world-class band, “The Black List.”  Tony Torres was our Master of Ceremonies, and ensured that the energy level was high, that the RAGE was directed at the MEDIA, …


Sneak Peeks of our August Rally

Rage Against the Media Rally – sneak peeks of the event! The Jim Hoft-Wonkette Feud stirred up considerable controversy!   Read about it from the Gateway Pundit here  and from Wonkette here .  I especially appreciate how the Wonkette piece  never actually said anything against the purpose of our rally, and in fact gave us a lot …


The Media Circus of the Zimmerman Trial

Everything to do with the Zimmerman trial has highlighted the dangers of a media deeply entrenched in the liberal agenda; that Al Sharpton has been given legitimacy by one of our major news networks is a travesty, as is the fact that that the media, even independent of this professional race-baiter, has chosen, intentionally, with …


There is no Freedom without an Independent Press: Freedom Fest 2013

FREEDOM It’s why we’re here today!  It’s why we’re celebrating  the BIRTH OF OUR NATION, our INDEPENDENCE-  FREEDOM  FROM A GOVERNMENT that  didn’t care about our rights, and only cared about what it could GET from us. We celebrate FREEDOM from TYRANNY NO TAXATION without REPRESENTATION – ah, they were fighting words back then, back …